
Mock geolocation

Useful if you’re working on a website meant for mobile devices.

You bet :)

Folding camera and Tri-X 400

A good while ago, I got an old folding camera as a present from my father-in-law. I asked Jani for a roll of 120 film so I could test that the camera was working. And indeed it was! After that I bought a handful...

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Bookmark: Spotify Search

Drag this Spotify Search to your bookmark bar. Click it to search the currently hilighted text on Spotify.

If you sometimes see an artist or song that you want to instantly search for on Spotify, you can use this simple bookmark to do so :) Just hilight the text and click on the bookmark.

Update: Bookmark will now also replace special characters - . & and / with a space.

Bookmark: Flickr URL converter

Drag this Flickr img2page to your bookmark bar. Click it to see the original Flickr photo page for a Flickr image.

If you sometimes get an URL like and want to see the original Flickr photo page with all the comments and tags, you can use this simple JavaScript snippet to get there. Drag it to your bookmarks bar and click it when you want to see all the comments and tags for that Flickr image.